Flower House Signs with Wisteria
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The Wisteria is a beautiful flower that is perfect to climb walls and garden structures or can even be trained into a tree. They are beautifully scented and can be seen in shades of blue, pink, purple and white.
It is a very popular choice but isn't one to be taken lightly. This flower requires a lot of pruning and training, as this taking over your home or your garden isn't something that you want, but don't let that put you off. With a bit of love, attention and proper care, this plant will produce beautiful blooms each year and for many years to come.
The woody stems of Wisteria need a strong support system in order to make sure that they grow properly, where you want to grow them. So it is also wise to make sure that it is planted where you're sure you won't change your mind, as they are a little difficult to move and won't be too pleased about it. Regular pruning is required for the Wisteria plant in August and February, where you will need to shorten new growth. Not only will pruning your plant to keep the size and growth under control, but it will also enable it to produce a more impressive flower display.
Wisteria is known to live for more than 100 years, and it's because of this lifespan that it's believed to symbolise wisdom. This wisdom can be brought to your doorstep with one of our Wisteria house signs. If you'd like this flower to be painted a different colour, simply put this information into the special requirements.
From start to finish, your sign will be in skilled hands.
We pride ourselves on the care and commitment taken for every sign we produce. Attention to detail is paid during each stage of the process; from laying out the sign details to hand-painting the design, right through to shipping. Our goal is to produce a beautiful sign that we can all be proud of.